GonzoFest New Orleans – 2025 – Instagram Page: NEW!!

Here is the Instagram link for the New Orleans GonzoFest. Follow it! Instagram page created by Wyatt VanZuuk Gonzo Flyers created by that inimicable artist GRANT GOODWINE. If you feel inclined to donate to help us bring the best contributers in the world to New Orleans, in addition to those we already have booked, there will soon be a Donate button. THANK YOU. See you there. Also, in the news . . .   I am thrilled to report reviews of AND READER INTEREST IN The Hell's Angels...
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Personalities in the Keep This Quiet! Memoir Series

Who is in the Keep This Quiet! series? and where does it take place?The posts below will introduce major people and places in Keep This Quiet! I-IV. Hunter Thompson, who figures pivotally in  Keep This Quiet! I and to a lesser but significant degree in II, has his own assortment of posts elsewhere. Below, you will find other players in Keep This Quiet! I-II, from Belgian poète maudit Jan Mensaert to poet, intellectural, guru  Milton Klonsky. Also, important players in Keep This Quiet! III, like ...
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I was very lucky to be in a number of podcast interviews, art exhibits,  panels, YouTube events, beginning in 2014. Below are some of the 2016 - 2020 events and YouTube presentations:MUSIC TRAILERS – the Keep This Quiet! seriesMusic Trailers for the Keep This Quiet! series.  These are short music pieces and drawings by Belgian poet Jan Mensaert, my onetime husband, that I particularly like and that set the tone of the Belgium/Morocco portions of the first two Keep This Quiet! volumes. The ...
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Space Encounters Reviews

The Space Encounters series (three books, published by Saeculum University Press in the early 200s, printed in Romania) displays the experimental "computer PK" process I discovered in the 1990s in Belgium. I reveled in the experiment and my books showcased the printouts made spontaneously, which differed from the screen. The images were scanned and scotch taped onto film paper for the Space Encounters series, as they broke the "mirror" of a normal book and had to be hand placed. All three volume...
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Midwest Book Review – Keep THIS Quiet Too!

Below is an e-mail message from James A. Cox, Editor in Chief of Midwest Book Review, with a brand-new review of Keep THIS Quiet Too! They like it!!! This is one of the first reviews so I was holding my breath to see how the ball would roll.The review is in the January 2013 issue of "Wisconsin Bookwatch" - reviewed, I believe by Cox himself. Here it is:    The extraordinary sequel to "Keep This Quiet", "Keep THIS Quiet Too! More  Adventures with Hunter S. Thompson, Milton Klonsky, Jan Men...
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Nick Storm, the filmmaker who is doing a documentary on the Louisville Beat poet Ron Whitehead, took some time off, before the Gonzo Fest, to read Keep This Quiet. And set up a lovely image with his filmmaking gifts. How about this? Then to top that off, he reviewed it three different places - on B & N, on Amazon, and on Good Reads. I'm experiencing firsthand how people love Hunter. Many of them feel something for him in a profound way, as a writer and also as what he modeled and dared. Cli...
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$68 – $108

In its short little life, Keep This Quiet is having some drama. It started properly on preorder with B & N - high discount - went live for a day, then back to preorder. Meanwhile, Amazon had rather bizarre information about its delivery time, then went live, then back to preorder. I understand why Amazon is having trouble getting the information, and that will be straighted out this week or (latest) Monday. However, meanwhile, some review copies were put up for sale; the used ones sold, an...
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And Then Again

I started to call this post "Don't Even Believe It When You See It." For whatever reason Keep This Quiet, which was live two days ago - ahead of the pub date - now reverted to preorder. I predict that by mid-week it will be live on Amazon - still ahead of the pub date - with a competitive discount. And then B & N will go live - keeping its heavily discounted preorder price. Not to belabor the issue, but it was a surprise. Meanwhile, I read Ron Whitehead's  Tribute to Hunter, which is more...
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Review of “Keep This Quiet”

What more beautiful birthday present could a person get? Check out this review on http://hstbooks.org. Not knowing that it was the eve  of my birthday, Marty Flynn sent me the link yesterday. And that was among several surprises. He called it his humble  opinion - beautiful indeed. The book is also just up on Amazon for preorder, as on B & N (32% discount there). I'm sure Amazon will go down in price as well, but at the moment it hasn't a clue about the distribution, so it's got a listin...
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