An Underground PRINCIPIA – pre-order

Cover artwork: Grant Goodwine I think this may be my most ambitious book yet. And most playful. I say to myself: Who wrote this? Pre-order at Amazon for later this month. Sir Isaac Newton famously complained about “action at a distance.” How was it possible, he wrote, that gravity, or attraction, operated between objects without physical contact? Well, jump to the twenty-first century, and we have a lot more to say about that. Readers will enjoy a brilliant, outrageous, playful exploratio...
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Gonzo NEWS: 2024 French Documentary, PLUS Tim Denevi, William McKeen, Ron Whitehead, Peter Richardson, Dr. John Brick, et al. at Gonzofest in July

First, the latest. Romain Thomassin, a French filmmaker, is right now editing down hours and hours of film, made on location in mi-October for a commissioned 15-minute documentary on Hunter S. Thompson and San Francisco - featuring Hell's Angels. For that, he interviewed Peter Richardson, David Streitfeld, and me on location, in Hunter's old hanging-out spots there. Just wrapped up. Now the hours and hours of film are being edited down to fit the show format. Final edits are in Paris in De...
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AUDIO of The Hell’s Angels Letters on the way – Trailer Link Here

I went down to Louisville, KY, one of my favorite places, for six days to haunt the sound studio of Bill Hardesty, who took the photo of me at the  Brown Hotel above. An expert photographer but an even more expert at sound engineering. Ron Whitehead sat at my side almost the whole time and read two poems by me and the end-of-the-book essays. Otherwise, I read every word of the book myself, a massive undertaking. A huge thanks to Ron, who set everything up. And to Bill for being fearless and gene...
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Now LIVE: My fascinating chat with Robert Sharpe, BITEradio show “Bringing Inspiration to Earth” April 18

Now LIVE: Just click here. My interview by  Robert Sharpe on BITEradio show "Bringing Inspiration to Earth" April 18, 3 p.m. - where I was his guest for an hour. The host was marvelous, keeping things lively. Robert Sharpe has very thoughtful, interesting, wide-ranging topics. And he was ready to find them in Keep This Quiet Too! - vol. II of the KTQ! series. BookLife, the indie arm of Publishers Weekly, has its verdict on the book: With an eye for surprising detail, Harrell conjures a charg...
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Gonzofest – The Hell’s Angels Letters – buy it personally signed

For the Gonzo aficionado, A Favorite - The Hell's Angels Letters, Order HERE If you would like it personally signed, contact me.  I will take orders to deliver personally to the Gonzofest in July 2013! It's a marvelous gift or for your personal collection. Read reviews and a book description on BookLife here. Below are some reactions to The Hell's Angels Letters followed by photos related to the book and me. Cover: Grant Goodwine. For collectors, there is a limited edition of 120 (at $1...
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“Bold and searching” – BookLife “Gets” and Loves “Particle Pinata Poems”

IN PREMIUM COLOR: BookLife writes: Harrell’s bold and searching collection takes readers on an odyssey of inquiry, with the first and foremost question being 'How to establish that / Yes, I am / One with God and God is / One with You.' But rather than provide an answer, Harrell’s poems seek to use the question as a gateway into a thought-space where the act of seeking knowledge results in spiritual transcendence. In a note, Harrell describes her spirituality as a conscious, living thing shaped ...
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A Palimpsest of Thanks

—Behind The Hell’s Angels Letters   11, 12, 13 Palimpsest Time with his old face Death with his skull face God with his No Face Under my own face —Milton Klonsky   What did William Blake have to do with The Hell's Angels Letters book? More than you might think. In my mind his artwork was the artbook I didn't work on in 1971 or so. This was the artbook I did. It all went back to that. But let's take the story slowly. 1994. It was an unlikely event ...
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AMFM Magazine Interview: “The ‘Hell’s Angels’ Letters”

    INTERVIEW AMFM Magazine: The Voice of the Artist Margaret, the new book is published, THE HELL’S ANGELS LETTERS: HUNTER S. THOMPSON, MARGARET HARRELL AND THE MAKING OF AN AMERICAN CLASSIC. Grant Goodwine, a protégé of Ralph Steadman, did the cover artwork. Could you tell us about this? How did the whole project come about? Margaret Harrell: It was a series of coincidences—or unlikely events—from start to finish, beginning with the existence of the letters themselve...
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Las Vegas Book Festival – Hunter Thompson panel

Watch this panel at 10 p.m. - 11:15 p.m. October 23rd Las Vegas time or watch it later online at the Las Vegas Book Festival. It's very lively and fun, with panelists - besides me - Juan F. Thompson, Tim Denevi, and Rory Patrick Feehan. And tell me what you think! An honor to participate.    
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On Location – Gonzo Fest 2018

Author/professor Tim Denevi and I had a delightful time presenting at the Gonzo Fest 2018. The Leo Weekly, Louisville, set up the event in an itinerary: 12-1 p.m. Writing “Hell’s Angels”: Will the Real Hunter S. Thompson Please Stand Up Featuring: Timothy Denevi and Margaret Harrell 1:10-1:50 p.m. Book Signings: Margaret Harrell, Ron Whitehead and Juan Thompson 1:30-2:30 p.m. The Battle of Michigan Avenue: Chicago 1968, HST and Violence Against Journalists Panelists: Michael Lind...
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