Gonzofest – The Hell’s Angels Letters – buy it personally signed

For the Gonzo aficionado, A Favorite - The Hell's Angels Letters, Order HERE If you would like it personally signed, contact me.  I will take orders to deliver personally to the Gonzofest in July 2013! It's a marvelous gift or for your personal collection. Read reviews and a book description on BookLife here. Below are some reactions to The Hell's Angels Letters followed by photos related to the book and me. Cover: Grant Goodwine. For collectors, there is a limited edition of 120 (at $1...
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Hear, hear: I was not in The Proud Highway – plus how copy editing/line editing worked then: the insider scoop

I’m glad to have the occasion to make these corrections now, while I’m alive. Earlier, I was correcting cemented errors in Hunter’s history. But now I realize there's an opening for a brand-new 0ne. I suppose it's logical. That's why I want to get ahead of it, before it sweeps the Gonzo world, as other rumors have. The correction is that, contrary to logic, I am NOT in The Proud Highway, Hunter's first book of letters. That's right. It's not me. Not in the Bal-Random combo, as Hunt...
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