GonzoFest New Orleans – 2025 – Instagram Page: NEW!!

Here is the Instagram link for the New Orleans GonzoFest. Follow it! Instagram page created by Wyatt VanZuuk Gonzo Flyers created by that inimicable artist GRANT GOODWINE. If you feel inclined to donate to help us bring the best contributers in the world to New Orleans, in addition to those we already have booked, there will soon be a Donate button. THANK YOU. See you there. Also, in the news . . .   I am thrilled to report reviews of AND READER INTEREST IN The Hell's Angels...
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Now LIVE: My fascinating chat with Robert Sharpe, BITEradio show “Bringing Inspiration to Earth” April 18

Now LIVE: Just click here. My interview by  Robert Sharpe on BITEradio show "Bringing Inspiration to Earth" April 18, 3 p.m. - where I was his guest for an hour. The host was marvelous, keeping things lively. Robert Sharpe has very thoughtful, interesting, wide-ranging topics. And he was ready to find them in Keep This Quiet Too! - vol. II of the KTQ! series. BookLife, the indie arm of Publishers Weekly, has its verdict on the book: With an eye for surprising detail, Harrell conjures a charg...
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Once upon a Time a Dancer – “The ‘Hell’s Angels’ Letters”

The collage was made by Geoffrey Smith in  Belgium in 2000 or 2001. We sat there in his apartment as he started building my first website (he was a friend and an Oracle expert). So I laid out photos and he said, Ah. Have to use this. It was a Fred Astaire of Park Avenue, New York, photo of me with my legs wrapped around my professional male partner's waist. He was holding on to me only by his thumbs! And I was like the masthead of a ship. It was for a competition. I had characteristically kept t...
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William McKeen’s Special Contribution to My New Book, “Hunter Thompson’s Hell’s Angels”

William McKeen, head of the Journalism Department at Boston University, is a Special Contributor to my new book, Hunter S. Thompson's Hell's Angels: Writers & Editor, Romance & Trouble in collaboration with Ron Whitehead. He has been so helpful to me and as well is the author of a marvelous reference work, Outlaw Journalist: The Life and Times of Hunter S. Thompson, and many other top-notch works. Every page will hold your interest.  You can read his contribution to  The Hell's Angels Le...
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At Fall for the Books, George Mason U, October 11, 2018

  Juan Thompson (Stories I Tell Myself) and Tim Denevi (Freak Kingdom) with me (Keep This Quiet! memoir series) at George Mason University for the "Fall for the Books" fest October 11. With us via Skype was Bill McKeen (Outlaw Journalist). For an hour and a half, we gave views on "Writing about Hunter S. Thompson." What a memorable blast - on-stage" and off. We had such fun hanging together and also sharing time, talking about our very different writing experiences - Juan being Hunte...
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A brand-new version of KTQ Too! is now on sale on Kindle, with all the photos enlarged in higher pixels. They all now open LARGE. This was especially important, as a lot  of Jan Mensaert's line drawings are in it (like the one below). Also, some decorated Hunter Thompson letters - in color. Hunter like to add little illustrations to his signatures. Take a look at the Kindle Sample. In Morocco, Belgium, Switzerland, and the United States, Margaret pits wits with - and learns from - Gonzo cr...
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Ron Whitehead warms up the audience at gonzofest2014

Margaret A. Harrell was a speaker at GonzoFest 2014
It was a long process, but finally, thanks to Lumena Atherton's work in cutting the video into clips, I can post a few glimpses into my presentation at the Gonzo Fest in Louisville last April. Thanks also of course to filmographer/political journalist Nick Storm, of Storm Generation Films, who is presently making a full-length biographical film of Ron Whitehead. This YouTube clip is the introduction to my talk at an Indie bookstore--a colorful lead-in by Ron Whitehead. It's always interesti...
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Midwest Book Review – Keep THIS Quiet Too!

Below is an e-mail message from James A. Cox, Editor in Chief of Midwest Book Review, with a brand-new review of Keep THIS Quiet Too! They like it!!! This is one of the first reviews so I was holding my breath to see how the ball would roll.The review is in the January 2013 issue of "Wisconsin Bookwatch" - reviewed, I believe by Cox himself. Here it is:    The extraordinary sequel to "Keep This Quiet", "Keep THIS Quiet Too! More  Adventures with Hunter S. Thompson, Milton Klonsky, Jan Men...
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Pop Culture History – Merry Pranksters

As some of you know, a long time ago, during the publicity tour of  Hell's Angels, I crossed paths - for a moment - with satirist Paul Krassner, the then founding editor of the notorious counterculture publication, The Realist. When he sent me an outrageous letter, naturally I kept it and it proved a piece of luck for my memoir. Before reproducing it in Keep This Quiet! I tracked him down and he granted me the right, free of charge, to reprint the letter - in part illustrating the philosophy tha...
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Hint re iPad Images

Hint: If you buy Keep This Quiet! for i-Pad, some of the 27 illustrations will be in color. All of the HST signature drawings will. I recommend buying the iPad version in iPad, not a Kindle app, because the Keep This Quiet! designer transferred the 27 images individually into the iPad file, resized to fit the iPad page.  This took several hours. I don't think an app can do this mechanically, as before the designer made the adjustments, the illustrations sometimes broke in the middle of the page....
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