GonzoFest New Orleans – 2025 – Instagram Page: NEW!!

Here is the Instagram link for the New Orleans GonzoFest. Follow it! Instagram page created by Wyatt VanZuuk Gonzo Flyers created by that inimicable artist GRANT GOODWINE. If you feel inclined to donate to help us bring the best contributers in the world to New Orleans, in addition to those we already have booked, there will soon be a Donate button. THANK YOU. See you there. Also, in the news . . .   I am thrilled to report reviews of AND READER INTEREST IN The Hell's Angels...
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On beliefnet.com – How Hunter S. Thompson, Milton Klonsky and Jan Mensaert taught me the power of fearlessness

On Beliefnet.com - Writer Margaret Harrell on how “outlaw authors” Hunter S. Thompson, Milton Klonsky and Jan Mensaert taught her the power of fearlessness Click to read the marvelous interview conducted by John Kennedy. I thoroughly enjoyed myself. He sets the interview up this way: Never for a moment quail before your antagonists. Your fearlessness will be to them a sure token of impending destruction, but to you it will be a sure token of your salvation—a token coming from God. – Philipp...
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Ron Whitehead warms up the audience at gonzofest2014

Margaret A. Harrell was a speaker at GonzoFest 2014
It was a long process, but finally, thanks to Lumena Atherton's work in cutting the video into clips, I can post a few glimpses into my presentation at the Gonzo Fest in Louisville last April. Thanks also of course to filmographer/political journalist Nick Storm, of Storm Generation Films, who is presently making a full-length biographical film of Ron Whitehead. This YouTube clip is the introduction to my talk at an Indie bookstore--a colorful lead-in by Ron Whitehead. It's always interesti...
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Birthday at the Library

Below and above are photos taken at the Hunter Thompson Birthday event at the Chatham Community Library. The librarian and I are holding up a T-shirt that Hunter bought me at the the Woody Creek Tavern. And here is one of the Gonzo birthday cake. The audience was quite well informed! Wonderfully attentive. Knew the books. Good Q & A. I had a lot of memorabilia on hand - letters, Rolling Stone issues. Good thing nothing melted en route, we are having such a heat wave here. All in al...
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