GonzoFest New Orleans – 2025 – Instagram Page: NEW!!

Here is the Instagram link for the New Orleans GonzoFest. Follow it! Instagram page created by Wyatt VanZuuk Gonzo Flyers created by that inimicable artist GRANT GOODWINE. If you feel inclined to donate to help us bring the best contributers in the world to New Orleans, in addition to those we already have booked, there will soon be a Donate button. THANK YOU. See you there. Also, in the news . . .   I am thrilled to report reviews of AND READER INTEREST IN The Hell's Angels...
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Paul Krassner’s Second Letter

Diving into my garage boxes, I found a follow-up note from Paul Krassner that confirms what I remembered: he explains that in my absence (I was in Las Angeles with Hunter during a quick weekend visit) he sent me a letter but addressed it to the wrong person at Random House. So here is how I found out about that and - yes - I hurried down to the Obscene Letters area to rescue it and read it. True, such a section existed at Random House down in the basement. It made for amusing reading, and I kept...
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Hunter Thompson and Paul Krassner

Hunter in NYC in the Sixties I met Hunter in NYC in 1967 and Paul Krassner, through Hunter, at the same time. We had dinner together and the two of them discussed a story for "The Realist," a very popular underground publication that Paul founded and edited. It was a crackling dinner, witty and fast-moving. The articles below have to do, mostly, with that time period, being mementoes or later write-ups. "Keep This Quiet!" tells the story of those days. A few of the articles below take the stor...
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Meeting Paul Krassner

Paul Krassner, one of Hunter's friends, was then and is now an underground satirist. He founded The Realist and I happened to meet him in New  York City when Hunter blew into town for his Hell's Angels book tour. I found him quite the quick-witted, interesting conversationalist at the time and also he was nice to look at. He recalls below that he followed up that meeting with a  letter to me, getting my name wrong. I remember it well. It wound up in the baffled hands of another copy editor at Ra...
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Paul Krassner and Charlie Hebdo

The iconic photo above is copyrighted by Summer of Love photographer Gene Anthony and for sale as a print for $200 at Wolfgang's Vault here. Culture Counter Magazine has a new article called Charlie Hebdo and the Limits of Satire: Realist editor Paul Krassner Rethinks the Art of Irreverence Here are the opening paragraphs. Paul Krassner sent me the link and a Happy New Year, 2015, which I pass on: Was there ever an American version of Charlie Hebdo? Americans are asking themselves t...
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Paul Krassner – Funny Realist Photos, New Book

Paul Krassner on Obama, Orgies, and the Art of Offensive Cartoons - extract by Michael Dooley on November 30, 2012 Read the whole post here and especially look at the pictures.  Click here. There's something oddly funny about Paul Krassner. And it's been going on for more than 50 years. He palled around with Lenny Bruce, the pioneering 1950s "sick" comic, and even edited Bruce's autobiography, How to Talk Dirty and Influence People. He was instrumental in founding the Yippies!, those radical "G...
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Confessions – Paul Krassner

Paul Krassner is putting what he calls, in quotes, "our story" into his reissue of his autobiography, Confessions of a Raving, Unconfined Nut: Misadventures in Counterculture – New Expanded Edition. This is quite funny. I love the effect of being a "character" in a book stepping off the pages, or maybe just pretending to step onto them in the first place. It makes me wonder how Hunter would have responded to my memoir, suppose I had published it while he was alive - which never crossed my mi...
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