A brand-new version of KTQ Too! is now on sale on Kindle, with all the photos enlarged in higher pixels. They all now open LARGE.

This was especially important, as a lot  of Jan Mensaert’s line drawings are in it (like the one below). Also, some decorated Hunter Thompson letters – in color. Hunter like to add little illustrations to his signatures. Take a look at the Kindle Sample.

In Morocco, Belgium, Switzerland, and the United States, Margaret pits wits with – and learns from – Gonzo creator Hunter S. Thompson, New York City poet-genius Milton Klonsky, and her eventual husband, Belgian poet Jan Mensaert. At one point, trying desperately to find her, Hunter writes, “Dear Margaret, Where are you and why? I’ve lost track completely. My last definite word was from a toilet-hole in Algiers.” Hunter wants her to work on his next manuscript. This is 1971. Moving from 1970 (Belgium/Cairo) to 1986 (the Jung Institute Zurich), the book ends up fittingly at Owl Farm. Where else could the last chapter – really last two chapters – of the book take place? There, Hunter is in fine form, trying to take the romance to the next level. Actually, they both are intent on it.

Drawing by Jan Mensaert

Drawing by Jan Mensaert



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