I started to call this post “Don’t Even Believe It When You See It.”

For whatever reason Keep This Quiet, which was live two days ago – ahead of the pub date – now reverted to preorder.

I predict that by mid-week it will be live on Amazon – still ahead of the pub date – with a competitive discount. And then B & N will go live – keeping its heavily discounted preorder price. Not to belabor the issue, but it was a surprise.

Meanwhile, I read Ron Whitehead’s  Tribute to Hunter, which is more than a gem. Fascinating and bold statements of a poet.

Take a look.

Here’s the conclusion:

“Knowledge, from the inception of Modernism, and through post-modernism and chaos to The Ocean of Consciousness, is reorganized, redefined through Literature, Art, Music, and Film. The genres are changing, the canons are exploding, as is culture. The mythopoetics, the privileged sense of sight, of modern, contemporary, avant-garde cutting edge Nabi poets, musicians, artists, filmmakers are examples of art forms of a society, a culture, a civilization, a world, in which humanity lives, not securely in cities nor innocently in the country, but on the apocalyptic, simultaneous edge of a new realm of being and understanding. The mythopoet, female and male, the shaman, Hunter S. Thompson returns to the role of prophet-seet by creating myths that resonate in the minds of readers, myths that speak with the authority of the ancient myths, myths that are gifts from the shadow.”

He is going to receive a copy of Keep This Quiet! – hand delivered.

And we’ll see what he, who knew Hunter, thinks.

How about that “apocalyptic, simultaneous edge of a new realm of being and understanding.”

Anyone identify?



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