Who is in the Keep This Quiet! series? and where does it take place?The posts below will introduce major people and places in Keep This Quiet! I-IV. Hunter Thompson, who figures pivotally in Keep This Quiet! I and to a lesser but significant degree in II, has his own assortment of posts elsewhere. Below, you will find other players in Keep This Quiet! I-II, from Belgian poète maudit Jan Mensaert to poet, intellectural, guru Milton Klonsky. Also, important players in Keep This Quiet! III, like ...
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Mircea Ivanescu, Romanian poet
Mircea Ivanescu has just risen up to the heavens, or wherever he is. I say it that way because he was so unpredictable, so unique, never able to be "one of the gang," a joiner. He lived in Romania. Once about to come to the US - I believe he was invited to be the chancellor of a university - he went to get a visa and was interviewed about his English. Now, Mr. Ivanescu had translated a slew of English texts, including Joyce's Ulysses, and practically all of Kafka from the German. He was a shy ...
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