Meeting Nick Storm

September 29, 2011 I have just sent away two copies of Keep This Quiet to a film maker who is going to the Gonzo Fest in Louisville, KY, on the 15th. As coincidence would have it, that's the official pub date of this book. I can imagine him reading from a letter that Hunter wrote this very month eons ago, when he was trying to get Hell's Angels to press. He wrote back then, practically the first letter - from San Francisco: Dear Margaret Ann— It is now four hours and twenty min...
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Nick Storm, the filmmaker who is doing a documentary on the Louisville Beat poet Ron Whitehead, took some time off, before the Gonzo Fest, to read Keep This Quiet. And set up a lovely image with his filmmaking gifts. How about this? Then to top that off, he reviewed it three different places - on B & N, on Amazon, and on Good Reads. I'm experiencing firsthand how people love Hunter. Many of them feel something for him in a profound way, as a writer and also as what he modeled and dared. Cli...
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Keep This Quiet! LIVE

Keep This Quiet! has just gone live. I found that out to my surprise this morning. Doing my usual rounds of checking up on it, what did I see but "in stock." B & N still has it at a 32% discount, with immediate shipping. Amazon doesn't yet have the correct information but it will by the middle of next week, or earlier. Then it will update its display to reflect correct shipping date and discounts. In the meantime, B & N has the floor all to itself. I was worried that it would turn ou...
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