Intuition: Us and Animals

Here's a little more on "Intuition: Opening to Your Natural Knowingness," from the DaBen & Orin website: When you follow your intuition, you have more energy moving through you. You are in the flow, you feel alive! When you don't follow your intuition, life can become a struggle, like swimming against the tide. You can train your intellect to listen to your intuitive knowingness, and learn not to ignore, discount, or contradict the intuitive feelings you are getting. You can trust your own ...
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Sibiu, Romania, was, with Luxembourg, the "cultural capital of Europe" for 2007. It's awaiting confirmation that the city center is on the World Heritage list of UNESCO. Today I received an e-mail from a professor there, who is my publisher, with a link to a new, beautiful website that shows pictures of streets and other sights there. Here it is. Just click the link above for more photos. While I lived in Belgium, I wandered these streets for weeks each year.  
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Inspirational Sound Link – Silvia Nakkach

If you want to feel inspired by sound, try out this link fron Silvia Nakkach & Vox Mundi International Faculty. Be sure to listen to the end, to the sounds of the birds in the Redwood Circles of the Santa Cruz Mountains. Only about 3 minutes. Here's another, called  "Bliss."
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Doxie Needs Home

Read about this little guy here - in an article called "Dumped But Not Doomed." He's five years old and was just injured November 12. His owners were going to euthanize him - imagine. I've had an injured Doxie before, so I know it takes time, but what they probably didn't realize is that it's very likely he'll recover and be able to walk again and do everything normally. It takes rest and time, though and steroid shots. I've gone through it, more than once. It's true that afterwards he'll nee...
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Sound Healing with Himalayan Singing Bowls – Chakras

Here is a wonderful article by Lumena Atherton, sound healer and musician, called "Debunking the Chakra Theory." This is not debunking chakras, but the theories that assign one note to one chakra. She writes: "Ultimately I have found that for the purposes of Himalayan Singing Bowls the answer does not have a direct relationship to one particular note and although I use particular bowls on certain parts of the body I do not believe that pitch is the main factor I use to choose which bowl to pla...
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Jyoti on Short Video

This is a video by my friend Jyoti, whom I met at the C. G. Jung Institute in Zurich in 1994. And have kept up with ever since, including being part of the founding of Kayumari, a "spiritual village." Jyoti talks on the video about indigenous teachings that are close to her (she's one quarter Cherokee), as are other traditions that share what she calls "the mystery." She is an Ambassador for the Thirteen Grandmothers and spiritual director of the Center for Sacred Studies. For Hunter Thompson...
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Seeing and Sensing Subtle Energy

Light body courses had a major influence on me from the 1990s on. Below is an account of a very early experience in "seeing and sensing subtle energy," excerpted from Keep This Quiet! IV. "Seeing and Sensing Subtle Energy" is the title of a course in my light body work with LuminEssence though I had not taken it yet, but I had been exposed to the concept. The "integral therapist" I was visiting in Guadelajara was Hector Kuri-Cano, an exceptional Mexican psychologist. An unforgettable event now ...
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Light Beings

Many of us know the word "light being." A shaman teacher I had, Joska Soos,  used to paint them, as above, in "The Light Sound Buddha" - 2004. I wonder how many people can "see" the light beings I see in the two photographs by me to the left here. I would love to know what you see. The one immediately to the left was in Romania, in  a "flying fleet." But I saw a much coarser look than in the light-streaming being at the bottom, in "Flying Being." Yet both had similar overall features. Howeve...
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