Editing – Meister Ekhart – “Only the hand that Erases . . .”

You never have to change anything you got up in the middle of the night to write. - Saul Bellow BUT: Only the hand that erases can write the true thing - Meister Johann Eckhart Which is it? The words of the famous thirteenth-century German mystic or the modern Nobel Prize for Literature winner? Both, of course. Editing - writing - involves juggling these two basic truths. Sometimes a text comes out finished; the trick is to believe in it and not fiddle around. Other times, most of the time...
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Short Podcasts on Editing – What It Is

Below are two very short podcast interviews on how I see editing services. The first interview goes into some of the recent history of editing practices - with anecdotes. The second is about my current editing services and trends in the fast-changing market. It touches on topics like the importance of having a book edited, including my own experience at being edited. Also, there are anecdotes. If you are writing a book or have a topic and want to begin, there's a good chance I can help. A...
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Why I Might Be the Perfect Editor for You

The photo is of myself with author Ron Whitehead and an audience member, James Mohan, at Carmichael's Bookstore, where I had just given a presentation. First, I focus on quality and know the sensibilities of a writer. A central focus of my life has been on writing—being a writer. As an editor, I was called “a lass with a delicate ear” by one author and told (by Hunter S. Thompson) that I graze on words like a cow at pasture. I will be highly sensitive to your style of expression—how you pu...
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