Exhibit Ready To Go

Antwerp Museum
This was in a beautiful Antwerp museum, where I and a friend wandered into the pre-exhibit room. Boxes had just arrived, awaiting unloading for the next exhibit. I practised pretending these were cloud images of mine. Why not? Meanwhile, the Het Torke Museum/Archives Director, Staf Thomas, will retire next year and may have an extravaganza finale showcasing a taste of all the exhibits he's coordinated throughout his long career. If so, he intends to invite me to participate, he said. Hooray. ...
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How I Started Photographing Clouds

People ask about the background of the cloud photography. In the 1980s I had recurrent dreams of unbelievable sky panoramas. Generally, the dreams showed me walking alone. I would look up and see clouds that moved in shifting, paintinglike formations, which I knew could not be real. Like a kaleidoscope of large, intricate scenes, they continued to change – making ever-new pictures. How could this obvious impossibility go unnoticed? I thought in the dreams. In the early 1990s I began to take cl...
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Chaos Quotations

On Chaos and Fractals: A cloud is made of billows upon billows upon billows that look like clouds. As you come closer to a cloud you don't get something smooth, but irregularities at a smaller scale. Benoit Mandelbrot Above the cloud with its shadow is the star with its light. Above all things reverence thyself. Pythagoras
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The irregularity of the cloud first got my attention. In the original shot, the white in the center was so bright you couldn't see the sun. Then when the negative was drum scanned, the sun became visible. But the image then got darker. When first developed, in film, unscanned, the irregular edges were very bright. In digital format, I'm now juggling to keep the sun visible while trying to recover some of the bright light around it without blowing out the sun itself. In experimenting with lig...
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Rembrandt: I can't paint the way they want me to paint and they know that too. Of course you will say that I ought to be practical and ought to try and paint the way they want me to paint. Well, I will tell you a secret. I have tried and I have tried very hard, but I can't do it. I just can't do it! And that is why I am just a little crazy. - As quoted in R. V. R.: Being an Account of the Last Years and the Death of One Rembrandt Harmenszoon Van Rijn (1930) by Hendrik Willem van Loon I have j...
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Artoteque Exhibit

Artoteque - Art Time 2 I am thrilled at how my photography is laid out on Artoteque's juried online exhibit for Art Time 2. Artoteque is a virtual online gallery, originating in London. I am finding it really synchronistic, how galleries in Paris, London, Canada, and so forth, and a book publisher in Germany are able to find my work since the moment it appeared in Marquis Who's Who in Modern Art. This is fortunate for me, because I would have had more difficulty if starting locally, I think....
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Clouds Communicate

Clouds communicate, according to Nature. They can communicate, "much like chirping crickets or flashing fireflies on a summer night," reports Fox News. Not that this surprises me. It's not communication, such as exchange of ideas, of course. But it's about how cloud fields organize and communicate to produce rain. How they synchronize. More on that as I think it over. To read the full article, go here.
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Video: Mireille Gratier and Margaret at Gallery Gora

The weather was glorious in Montreal for the Gallery Gora exhibit of three of my cloud photographs. It was just under 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Off I went at 4:30 to the Exhibit Opening. I was surprised that many artists from Europe made the long trip. From France, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Luxembourg. And then Canada and the US. Another lovely note: they were all gracious and friendly, glad to meet as our photography/paintings shared the space. Below, my camcorder cooperated, and I've  post...
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Le Portail des Antiquaires

I am elated to have just joined the sister website of this one, with a single page in Paris. As I started writing my first published book there, this is some kind of closing of the circle - to have my clouds in Paris in a beautiful display. Let me know what you think.
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