Cloud Giclee Art Prints and Prices

Cloud Photographs as Meditative ToolsIt was Bernie Nelson who first detected - in a book review - that I use clouds as a meditative tool. Bernie has just passed away; I will miss his perceptive ability to tie together the clouds and my text on consciousness. But people have long, in fact probably since there were humans, been staring at the clouds and feeling their mood change, feeling themselves a part of nature; seeing faces, images, Some say that a great guru can project images into the cloud...
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The “Bell” and Hunter Thompson

The bell arrived in my Belgian apartment I had shared with Willy Van Luyten the first week after his death. When we were talking, suddenly we heard an electronic beep. Below is a short excerpt describing some of my struggles with the unusual energy in my apartment after Willy's death: I was bewildered by the energy beginning to permeate the apartment Willy and I had shared—and felt the need to reach out to an old friend, though I had close female friends in a weekly “Inner Landscaping” cours...
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“Computer PK” Images

During the 1990s, the last ten years I lived in Belgium, I had the good fortune of making the unusual printouts I called computer PK." There are a couple of samples above and many more in Keep This Quiet! IV. the 1990s were a time I devoted, heart and soul, to exploring this parapsychological experience. This (to me) exciting phenomenon came about through some  partly unconscious creative process where when I pushed the button to print, the printouts were often modified from the text on the scre...
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Parapsychology at the Rhine Center

What do you know? I just checked in to the Rhine Center website to look at some of their current research and what popped up but a familiar photo It's an old shot of J. B. Rhine and me. Rhine, a major pioneer in laboratory parapsychology, posed for this photo with me as if he were testing me in an early form of PK (psychokinesis) experimentation, in which falling dice in a cage came to rest at specific numbers with mental influence over how they landed. At least, that was the idea. Rhine ...
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Video: Mireille Gratier and Margaret at Gallery Gora

The weather was glorious in Montreal for the Gallery Gora exhibit of three of my cloud photographs. It was just under 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Off I went at 4:30 to the Exhibit Opening. I was surprised that many artists from Europe made the long trip. From France, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Luxembourg. And then Canada and the US. Another lovely note: they were all gracious and friendly, glad to meet as our photography/paintings shared the space. Below, my camcorder cooperated, and I've  post...
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