I “Make Authors” – one reviewer says –  Find the Magic in Your Book

For ten months now I’ve been on the recommended list of editors for Self-Publishing School (SPS), a highly successful teaching program for writing and marketing, which has clients worldwide. This has introduced me to a large number of editing clients worldwide I would never otherwise have met, and we have had many happy adventures together. Finally, I decided to collect some of the book titles and also some author comments:

Man Cave of Health: A Why-To Book about Men’s Health: Through the Eyes of a Health  Coach Who Has Heard It All

The cover is being designed. The author, LaRue Palmer, a health coach and chef, who worked at many famous Las Angeles restaurants and then at SpaceX, writes about the editing process:

Great work all around. You have transformed me into a better writer, and for the first time, an AUTHOR! Thank you for giving me my start. I am forever in your debt.

Young and Dumb: Year of Years, which will soon be followed by a riotous book about dogs playing baseball.

Young and Dumb : Year of Years by [Thomas Louis Carroll]

Acknowledgments Testimonial: “Several people were instrumental in the publication of this book; the warmest thanks go out to . . . my editor Margaret Harrell, who managed to improve this book tremendously with her skill and perseverance.” Elsewhere:

This is absolutely fabulous, just what I wanted. I agree with almost every single one of your edits . . . You are doing a great job and making the MS better on almost every page.

 The Change Journey – endorsed by Mike Dooley, NY Times Best Selling Author of Infinite Possibilities: “The Change Journey is a beautiful and inspirational guide to honoring yourself that shows you exactly how to get there.”

The Change Journey: A self-awareness guide for women who are thinking, 'How on earth did I end up here?' by [Nikki Lane]


Thank you for your help and expertise. You have been amazing. I am so happy and proud with the final result.

My Stories Have No Endings

Finalist in the National Indie Excellence Awards

My Stories Have No Endings by [Gayle Gonsalves]

Acknowledgments Testimonial:

I was further blessed with Margaret Harrell’s keen editing eye. Her knowledge of words and language was an immense help to completing the book. Furthermore, her guidance on all things publishing was invaluable.

Coming Momentarily

Michael Rowell, Leadership Upgrade

Editor: Margaret ‘The Amazing’ Harrell


Nicole Flemming, Escaped
