Legacy Writing – Carolina Book & Writer Conference – Feb. 13

Join Margaret with Alice Osborn and Larry Perkins at the Writing Your Legacy panel at the Fifth Annual Carolina Book & Writer Conference virtually on Zoom February 13 at 10:30 a.m. Get a HUGE DISCOUNT by using the code Margaret21.

What is your legacy? How do you determine it? How do you write it? When should you start? Join Margaret, Alice and Larry for top-notch presentations and Q & A on this. And also check out the other panels, available this conference on the same ticket. Be sure to use my code: margaret21 for a huge discount.

Calling all messengers! It’s time to live your dream and share your truth. We know you have a story to tell. Join 26 talented presenters at the Carolina Book & Writer Conference to ignite that dream.

Receive inspiration along with expert answers to an abundance of questions about writing, publishing, and promoting your story. This year is our fifth annual writer’s conference, and we have so many amazing panelists and two fantastic keynote speakers! For the first time, CBWC will be a two-day event, February 13 and 14, 2021. Join us on Zoom to learn more about marketing and sales secrets, romance writing, young adult and children’s fiction, editing and publishing, sharing your legacy through autobiographies and memoirs, diversity writing, and leveraging your book through film, audio books, and more.

Attendees will have a full year of access to all the videos from the conference, so don’t worry if you miss one of the panels.

See what our gifted experts have to say to help you on your journey of becoming a successful author. Listen to powerful keynote presentations from North Carolina Poet Laureate Jaki Shelton Green and from Adonal Foyle, former NBA player and author of eight books! Enjoy “office hours” to get to know our panelists and ask questions.

Sign up now on the CarolinaBWC website. To get your early bird discount ticket, use this code when you register: __margaret21_________. (Full price is $197, so be sure to add the discount code for $100 off!)

#CarolinaBWC #CarolinaBookandWriterConference #WriterConference #writers #books #TriangleBook


