“Bold and searching” – BookLife “Gets” and Loves “Particle Pinata Poems”

IN PREMIUM COLOR: BookLife writes: Harrell’s bold and searching collection [...]

By |2023-03-27T12:16:10-04:00March 20th, 2022|About the KTQ! Series, Bio, Book Reviews, Books, Books News, Consciousness, Consciousness Inititations, Featured, Lightbody, Milton Klonsky, Mystical Teachings, NEWS, Personalities, Thoughts and Events|Comments Off on “Bold and searching” – BookLife “Gets” and Loves “Particle Pinata Poems”

Hear, hear: I was not in The Proud Highway – plus how copy editing/line editing worked then: the insider scoop

Margaret A Harrell - Ballet Bolero The [...]

By |2021-12-19T16:10:43-05:00July 19th, 2021|Bio, Books, Books News, Featured, Gonzo, NEWS|Comments Off on Hear, hear: I was not in The Proud Highway – plus how copy editing/line editing worked then: the insider scoop
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