I recently learned about this second site of Martin Flynn, HST for Beginners: A Learning Curve. I highly recommend it. In fact, I will be adding a contribution to it soon. It’s filled with very interesting material.
The site explains: “the idea of this series is aimed firstly at anyone new to the Hunter S. Thompson world. A plus side is that any seasoned HST campaigners will find the contributors’ views just as interesting. I felt it was important that we heard from some people that knew Hunter, worked with him and socialized with him to a point. It’s also important to get thoughts from some folks who only know Hunter from reading his work, just to get a view from all angles as it were.” The bottom line, he says, is that there were several sides to Hunter, and this site aims at covering both the best and least known.
Marty goes on to describe the contents: “So far the HST for Beginners series is in 2 parts. (1) The Separation of Hunter S. Thompson the man and writer, and (2)Raoul Duke the drug-taking, crazy scribe. There may be more parts to come but for now it’s these.”
Further note: I’m about finished with the whole of Keep This Quiet! 2 – up to the editing stage, which will take a while. But the whole thing is now written. Just needs more polishing and cutting. It’s the same length as KTQ 1 – same everything: photos and so forth. Whew!