What happens when the blinders against quantum “magic” are lifted? Our life shifts profoundly. The updated “Keep This Quiet!” IV: “Ancient Secrets Revealed” integrates mystical, practical Teachings embedded in Harrell’s life. The narrative begins in 1991 in Belgium, where parapsychological, or siddhi, phenomena follow the death of her live-in boyfriend. After a suspenseful visit with Gonzo creator, Hunter Thompson, at his Colorado Owl Farm ranch, having not seen him in person for twenty-one years, she returns to Belgium to dive into the dramatic experiences that await; these involve spirit guide committees, visions, computer-PK (mental influence over the computer), psychologist Carl Jung, and quantum mechanics. “Ancient Secrets Revealed” uses a combination of storytelling and applied ancient/modern wisdom insights. Initiations also involve Hindu satguru Dhyanyogi-ji. Many traditions join hands on “the edge” of timeless mysteries. Anyone experiencing the confusions of an Awakening can enjoy and learn from this book. Follow Margaret as she tightropes her way into higher dimensions. Ultimately, Life drops revelations and choices all the way through. After wading through a midlife romantic conflict involving life purpose, she spends the ten years of this book bombarded by opportunities to gain spiritual growth and vastly expand her self-understanding and awareness of the many dimensions accessible to all of us who let go mass consciousness boundaries expounded over TV and explore our unbound potential.
From the Author: KEEP THIS QUIET! IV, was overhauled top to bottom after I found writings by me stored in my garage. If you like a suspenseful story in the spirituality and the Personal Transformation genre, check it out and consider ordering. A tip: there’s quite a bit of subtle-energy phenomena in it, with illustrations of “Computer PK,” mind through matter. Does that exists? This book says yes resoundingly.
Cover design: Gaelyn Larrick