cover image: Grant Goodwine
With computer PK, philosophy, an explosive MRI, and commentary by Taiji master Jef Crab, Tricks High Up adds enjoyably to Margaret Harrell’s adventures in life, exploring everything about whatever spot she finds herself in, whatever initiation, including when things disappear. Included in the topics is how to deal with a bad health diagnosis: how, using upbeat emotions, nonattachment, and other spiritual tools, beside modern medicine, you can breeze through a life-threatening time. “In fact,” Jef Crab explained, “being infected with the Ebola virus was one of the best experiences of my life. I was in this big bright creative energy.” He added that using the creative energy can be in the garden, teaching Taiji . . . Whatever takes us into those energies that are beyond our everyday level, where we find—”
“—connections,” Margaret finished. This is a short, but profound, intense read.
Ancient Secrets Revealed
What happens when the blinders against quantum “magic” are lifted? Our life experience shifts profoundly. The updated, new edition of Keep This Quiet! IV – retitled Ancient Secrets Revealed – integrates mystical, practical Teachings embedded in Harrell’s life. The narrative begins in the ’90s in Belgium, where parapsychological, or siddhi, phenomena follow the death of her boyfriend. That death is preceded by uncanny subtle warnings and followed by parapsychological phenomena. In particular, an audible bell comes to stay in the apartment for a couple of years – a bell heard by many people, that seems to accompany thoughts. Not too long after the death, Harrell checks in with Gonzo journalism creator, Hunter Thompson, and winds up five months later at his home in Owl Farm. They have not seen each other physically for 21 years. Will she return to her Flemish base? Will the bell still be there? Yes. Initiations welcome her back, drawing her further on her path. They include subtle encounters with Hindu guru Dhyanyogi-ji, whose Kundalini Maha Yoga she is initiated into. She dives into the experience of spirit committees, visions, computer-PK (mental influence over the computer), psychologist Carl Jung, and quantum mechanics as it relates to consciousness. Many traditions join hands on “the edge” of timeless mysteries. Margaret has been called “a grand synthesizer,” which you can dip into below in sampling the various topics and reading about the various people that will accompany you as you read Ancient Secrets Revealed.