Keep This Quiet! III—Initiations begins in the C. G. Jung Institute Zurich, where Margaret was enrolled in 1984. She is headed for a big initiation there, which she narrates for us—showing how initiations are life-transforming. Notably, she also dives into the debate between physicist Wolfgang Pauli and depth psychologist Carl Jung about how science/matter and psyche/spirit/synchronicity emerge from a unified psychophysical realm. Dreams lend assistance, as do the brilliant Jung-Pauli letters. Exercises in the back offer practical help in how to work with energy.

Cover design: Gaelyn Larrick

Keep This Quiet! III: Initiations (Jung, Pauli, C. G. Jung Institute)


“Jung & Pauli . . . Courageously, competently Harrell guided this reader through mazes of scientific exploration, all the while keeping her engaging ‘anima’ voice as lure to read on”—Puanani Harvey, Advanced Studies Coordinator, New Mexico Society of Jungian Analysts

“I’m reading it NOW! I’ve got my highlighter and am really appreciating the depth of Margaret’s initiation and how much she did for her spiritual emergence!”—Jonette Crowley, spiritual teacher, author of Soul Body Fusion

“I could feel a welling form in my chest . . . An emotional surge was building, I was sure of it. I had no intention of heading it off. I was into this book for the duration”—Martin Flynn, owner of;

”Margaret A. Harrell’s Keep This Quiet! III is the real-life alchemical journey of her poet (co-creator with the creative forces of the universe) soul in which she intentionally determinedly makes the journey of initiation, juxtaposing apparently irreconcilable differences into a synthesis, a union of being. And she takes Hunter S. Thompson, Milton Klonsky, Jan Mensaert, Wolfgang Pauli, Carl Jung, and many others with her as she discovers and shares, with us, her own tao her way her I ching her Book of Changes. Thank you, Margaret, for sharing your transformative journey When one of us is lifted up we are all lifted up. Thank You for the lift!!!!”—Ron Whitehead, outlaw poet

“Margaret Harrell’s Keep This Quiet! III best demonstrates a journey of self and personal transformation through Jungian study for an already self-aware seeker. As a practicing Reiki master, I received a great deal of insight from Harrell’s spiritual study, as well as her ability to connect patterns and puns (Watergate/Flood Gate) with both humor and reverence”—Alice Osborn, author of After the Steaming Stops

“The first time I met Margaret, she sat down beside me (or, was it the other way around?) in a meeting and immediately, I knew I wanted to get to know her. She had a certain presence…a “shining”…that was magnetic. The Universe must have been in agreement with my intuition, because over the years I was blessed to become her student and benefited greatly from her wise and loving teachings, but still, there was a certain mystery about her that was never revealed, for she vary rarely talks about herself or her life. Now I know she was saving it all for this brilliant series of autobiographical revelations that comprise the “Keep This Quiet” series. My advice…read them all, beginning with the first and when you are done, await with bated breath the 4th (and, honestly, I hope not last!) installation of her mind and heart expanding sharings.”—Joy Haynie Ayscue, Co-founder of The Conscious Healing Initiative

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