Here is the Instagram link for the New Orleans GonzoFest.
Follow it!
Gonzo Flyers created by that inimicable artist
If you feel inclined to buy a T-shirt to help us bring the best contributers in the world to New Orleans, go here.
To browse the official website, go here. World-famous composer/musician David Amram is playing with four New Orleans musicians. Panels you won’t want to miss are booked. Old friends will be hanging out. No Tickets needed, though if you like, there will be a donations option at the door. More here.
THANK YOU. See you there.
Also, in the news . . .
The Hell’s Angels Letters – Hunter S. thompson
This book in hands – IT IS MIND BLOWING JAW DROPPING!!!
I just can’t leave it alone!
I approach it, open it, flip through it, can hardly decide what to read first, enjoy some pages, close it, do something else, and walk back to it, open it…… – for hours now!
Feel like taking two weeks off to just stay IN IT!
All these letters from Hunter asking you to save the situation, etc. ADORABLE!!!!