What are you waiting for? It will change your entire life. It did mine. And it kept changing it—as the years rolled on.

The light body never failed to help me adapt and stretch to any situation. This is no exaggeration. It boosts your creativity because it comes out of boundless energy. The light body is older and wiser than any of us. However, its energy, when properly focused, goes right into our everyday lives and energizes us on all levels.

I learned this course the “hard way”—by foot, train, and taxi—and in a foreign language, Dutch. I lived in Belgium. But it was fascinating that way. The energies were there with me, regardless of the language and circumstances. I was amazed that I could visualize with my eyes closed, which I hadn’t experienced before. The energies danced into “visions” when I least expected it, and they transported that excitement into me. As they transformed, that excited energy remained in me. So as soon as I moved back to the States, I began to teach the courses. Till I was teaching practically every light body course that the founders allowed any of their teachers to teach.

I offer you a free introductory hour in which you experience the energies yourself, still being guided by DaBen and Orin, the founding spirits. And now being watched over as well by Duane Packer and Sanaya Roman, who were their channels here on Earth until their recent passing. Come, enjoy. I always do. And I think you will too.


The photos comes from the CDs in the six-box home study program of Awakening Your Light Body created by LuminEssence, www.orindaben.com; there, Sanaya Roman and Duane Packer describe these courses they channeled into the Earth, which are now taught worldwide. Great attention is paid to keeping them authentic and not over-commercialized. Are you ready for this course? If so, please contact me. You can start immediately.


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