Today’s society requires a lot of adaptability. In addition to a busy job and a family, we see that our social life develops increasingly online; in the meantime we try to meet everyone’s expectations. Speed and productivity are fighting for first place. Reflection, profundity and connectedness come far behind and often not at all. Relaxing is more than ever a rare commodity. Relax? Easier said than done. Because apart from when and where, how do you do that, anyway? The answer is simple: anywhere, anytime. With eNRBi®.

 Deep relaxation, emotional stability and mental strength can be enhanced by making the right movements. The primal condition for achieving this desired result in the short term is the focus of attention on the energy flows in and around the physical body.

This is surprisingly easy to do and to adapt to daily life. Also, how to store and maintain the energy. Once learned, no need to go out the door to relax or recharge. In addition, it’s a lot easier to learn and it’s more effective than Mindfulness, Yoga or Tai Chi.

We called this method of movement eNRBi®, an acronym for Energy and Relaxation through our Body.

The eNRBi® exercises are derived from a deep understanding of kinetics and Western and Asian relaxation techniques. In feedback and scientific evaluation, eNRBi® proved its worth in the prevention of and recovery from many of today’s diseases that arise from energy loss, burnout, CFS, back pain, headache and more. It can be performed by almost anyone—without limit by age or physical ability. Even in a wheelchair.

In this workshop you will learn how to use the mind to move energy (for example, through the arms); how energy rises from the feet into the arms; maximum relaxation in a standing posture, quietly observing energy flows. This is done through exercises based on mind and deep awareness instead of outer movements. Afterwards by just practicing at home (beginning with 15 minutes a day) you will soon notice increasing relaxation and vitality. Flat shoes and loose clothing are recommended.

Movement is the cause of all life. (Leonardo da Vinci)

 Jef Crab (Belgium, 1957) has over 40 years’ experience in various martial arts, including more than 30 years exclusively focused on internal movement. Jef is the founder of the Tai Ji school White Clouds Belgium, (1985–1994) and nowadays still leads the school in Paramaribo, Suriname.

He had the privilege to study under close guidance of Masters in various disciplines and spiritual paths. Amongst them Jóska Soós de Sóvar, the well-known Hungarian shaman with roots to Siberian Shamanism, and Akira Tasumura, Zen master and world-famous painter and Ikebana teacher. At Yeunten Ling, the European Centre for Tibetan Buddhism at Huy, Belgium, Jef also received three initiations from the Dalai Lama, amongst which two personal/individual. To this day Jef also continues the study of inner movement and spiritual development as taught by the nowadays 113-year-old Taoist sage, Grandmaster Hua-Ching Ni, the oldest living Master in the lineage of teachers he follows.

In his search for easy to learn, yet efficient techniques, applicable in daily life he finally developed a universal method not bound by any one tradition. For more than 15 years he researched and experimented with these techniques around the world, while teaching them from the Middle East to Europe, to South America. Today his E.A.S.T. Institute is a partner organization of UNICEF (Suriname). When not teaching elsewhere on the planet, Jef lives and works in his La Rencontre Training Centre, cradle for many Earth Restore Programs at the rim of the Amazon Rainforest in close cooperation with tribal people, taking frequent treks into the interior.

Date: Saturday–Sunday, June 17–18 (9:00–12:30 a.m.; 3:00–5:30 p.m.)

Place: Lake Wheeler Park, Shelter 7, Raleigh, NC

Investment: $279 (single workshop) or  $250 each (if taking the Authenticity & Healing Presence workshop)

Contact: email: Margaret A. Harrell; tel: 919/782-9257

Click here to sign up and secure your slot by leaving a deposit.

Click here to read more about private sessions.

Jef Crab photo – website

Read all about Jef and his events on his brand-new website by clicking here.

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