Every now and then I check back in on John (Jack) Wesley to see how he’s doing today – is he still alive? How his painting is faring. And here is the webpage I googled up today. Now, Jack is a really good artist. There is nothing second-rate about him. He has had a lot of good exhibits including in Germany and Italy, New York and Texas. His gallery has a lovely cross section of  samples on display here. See what you think. Jack has a sense of humor. He was famous in the 1960s and he continued to grow his reputation since. However, he’s not known by everyone – just by those who do know about him. I have a post card he sent with his art on the front and also a large signed framed drawing that was the poster for one of his exhibits. He lived not far from me in Greenwich Village in the 1960s and stayed there till he moved with his third wife to Fifth Avenue, right  off Washington Square, which is still deep into the Village. Jack is now in his eighties. Really, take a look if you want to laugh and be amused and intrigued at what he’s saying subtly and  a bit lustily.

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